
Stereotypes In The Blind Side

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Introduction The Blind Side is a story based on Michael Oher’s life. Michael is a poor, homeless black teen that struggles academically. The Tuohy family, who are a rich, white family, end up taking him in, and they got him academic help so he could become smarter and continue on playing football. A lot of the Tuohy’s family friends judged the family for taking in a black kid, and when the Tuohy family sent of their Christmas cards, one person told Leigh Anne, “Y’all know there’s a colored boy in your Christmas card?” This shows that racism was alive and well in that lady. Setting The movie takes place in Memphis, Tennessee at different locations. Some of these locations include: the Tuohy’s home, a Christian school, the Ghettos where Michael’s family used to live, Ole Miss, and a few other places. Overall, most of the social setting of the movies takes place in the nicer areas of the town except for whenever they went to where Michael used to live. Character Portrayal …show more content…

Overall, the characters in the movie were portrayed realistically based on the real people the movie was based on. Most of the women in the movie are portrayed as rich, white females except Michael’s mother. Most of the main males in this movie were portrayed as rich and white except a few. The majority of the black males in this movie were portrayed as poor, ghetto, and drug dealers. This is different than the culture I grew up in since I grew up in a predominately white town, where there is no true ghetto

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