
Stereotypes In The Color Purple

Decent Essays

In the book, “The Color Purple” includes a big story which Celie’s life is filled with rough times throughout her life. It is packed with religion, gender, and race, it tells a marvelous story. This book took part in the past where the job of females took care of the children and served the food and also where males worked really hard to maintain their families. In the text it talks about how people use colored people to get rich while the colored gets discriminated and left homeless. Both are really different in this environment and that they don’t go well together.
Different genders have different rights on what to do in the real world. Women are given orders on to feed the male and the family. In this case, Celie is forced to cook in the family “I am the one to cook” (1 Walker). Males are the ones who rule the house and the family while females do what they are told to do.
White people disrespect colored people just because the different skin tone, rarely anybody is nice to them. When Celie and Sofia Approach a young white little girl they both were respected based on the girl’s actions. “She seems like a right sweet little thing, I say to Sofia. Who is? She frowns. The little girl, I say. What they call her, Eleanor Jane? Yeah, says Sofia, with a real puzzle …show more content…

Rich people take advantage of the poor people because of their different race and gender. “Harpo, don’t let Celie be the one bring in all the water. Women work, he says. What? She says. Women work. I’m a man.”(28-35 Walker) In this sentence, we can see that man in this situation wants to let all the girls do all the hard work just because he is male thinks that he can rule the place. He is treating the females as slaves since they cannot defend for themselves. Many people hated wealthy people because money is power, power can make you just like a boss around. So eventually they used their power to take colored men and use them as slaves against their

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