
Stereotypes In Today's Society

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In today's world there are many prejudices towards society's standards and it affects people negatively especially women. Being attractive can get you anywhere. Having good looks and a nice body gets you places most of the time.It is harsh but it is the truth. A social experiment has actually found that to be true. In the show Brain Games, Jason Silva, the host did a social experiment where he showed two people running for an election. Just by looking at the people they were supposed to select the person who they thought won the election. The majority of the people picked the person with the better looks and they were correct. Teens get paid for being good looking and most are untalented for example the group Madcon they get paid so much and …show more content…

Just like in Frankenstein people loved William because on the outside he was beautiful but on the inside he was ugly and ignorant because that is how his family and society raised him. Let me go, he cried; monster! Ugly wretch! You wish to eat me and tear me to pieces. You are an ogre” (Shelley 122). William says this to the monster, and the monster ends up killing William in spite of his rude remark and out of frustration because of the previous actions taken against him from the cottagers. Both William and Victor rejected the monster. They rejected him because of his looks. Even though the monster was hideous he was kind and pure until society caused him to become evil because the cottagers rejected him because of his looks as well. I contemplated would, in regarding me, have changed that air of divine benignity to one expressive of disgust and affright (Shelley 122). Although this is spoken by the monster, he is talking about how he is angry with his appearance, and now he is angry at Victor for creating him to be this way. He saved a girl from drowning and he got Shot in return because they thought he was a monster and in the end no one gave him a …show more content…

It makes people feel belittled and it makes women and teens feel grotesque just like the monster. Society focuses on the looks more than the inner beauty and that is very ineffective towards creating a better society because it teaches young girls that they can only be the best by being good looking and having the best body. That especially affects younger girls. Anorexia Nervosas is one of the most common disorders with 200,000 cases per year. Society pressures women to being perfect and if they aren't they can't be accepted in society. Just like what the monster had to go through. His society did not accept him because of the way he looked like he did not fit under their standards if he was handsome he would not have went through all this hardship and people would have treated him

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