
Stereotypes Of Books

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Reading books allow us to create worlds in our owns mind, make you understand what characters are going through and how they are experiencing things around them. Sometimes when I read, I get lost in the words that I am not even aware of my surrounding. I enjoy reading and would not want to be limited and being discourage on what I should read. Reading is an intellectual skill demanding mental energy to understand, imagination, reflect from past experiences, to look back into, to learn new words in print using our vocabulary, and enjoy the process. Books should just be books and don’t have to be label to a specific gender. There is a stereotype about books label for girls or for boys. Boys are falling behind in reading and for those who read …show more content…

When we told boys that they can not read “girls books” we constraint them and put them in boxes. They will only be able to see though their own eyes not through someone else eyes. “When a boy is directed to books that reflect only a narrow aspect of the world — often a part he already knows — or he is shamed for any interest in what is considered a “girl books,” his understanding of girls and of himself is devastatingly incomplete” says Caroline Paul an American author. Caroline was declined to speak with middle school’s student about new book because it would exclude boys. Many female authors have a similar experience like Caroline where they only see girls at their readings because a professor or a librarian tell the boys that this type of books is for girls only. If we only let boys read books, we determine as for boys; we are telling them that only their perspective matter in the world and the perspective of the opposite gender does not matter. People should let them choose what they think they will enjoy most and should not discourage them from reading a “girl …show more content…

Society for Research in Child Development found that from a very young age children think boys are academically inferior to girls, and they believe that adults think so. This show that if we believe that boys will not enjoy reading especially “girl books” this will affect how they are think and will start to believe what people are saying about those type of books. If we keep discouraging boys that reading girl books are shameful from when they were a kid, it’s helping this stereotype, that “girl books” are unworthy to read by boys, become a

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