
Steve Neesbitt Quotes

Decent Essays

Monster Essay A substantial of people in today's society have been pressured into doing bad things with their friends. In the book, Monster, Steve Harmon was a victim of peer pressure. Many people every day are in the same position Steve was in. Steve was not responsible for the death of Mr. Nesbitt but he definitely was the lookout for the robbery that took place because, in Steve’s journal he talked about being the lookout with Mr. King, Steve was not in the store when the murder took place, but Steve lied under oath in the courtroom during his trial. First of all, Steve was the lookout because in his journal he talked about being the lookout for the robbery with Mr. King. For example, in a flashback, Mr. King says to Steve Harmon, “Yeah. All we need is a lookout. You know, check the place out-make sure ain’t no badges copping some z’s in the back. You down for it?”(Myers 150). This quote is important because the reader finally sees Steve talking about being the lookout for someone that was definitely part of this robbery. With the evidence where Steve is talking about being the lookout shows that maybe he is not all that innocent. …show more content…

Nesbitt because he was not in the store when Mr. Nesbitt was killed according to Mrs. Henry. In fact, Mrs. Petrocelli asks Mrs. Henry on the stand, “Mrs. Henry, do you recognize anyone present today in this courtroom who was also in the drugstore on the day to which you are referring.” Mrs. Henry replied, “The gentleman sitting at that table was one of the men arguing.(she points to King)”(Myers 164). The evidence in this part of the book proves that Steve left the store even if he was the lookout he was not there at the time of the murder. Therefore, Steve cannot be guilty of murder if he was not at the store when Mr. Nesbitt was

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