
A Comparison Of Sticks And Growing Up Hmong In Laos And America

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Although some stories may be written by completely different authors, countless stories can and have shared similar themes and ideals. One example of two stories that share similar concepts is the example of the stories: Sticks and Salt and Growing up Hmong in Laos and America. In the story, Sticks and Salt, Phuoc Nguyen talks about his life growing up as a Vietnamese refugee in America. On the other hand, in the story, Growing up Hmong in Laos and America, Pa Xiong Gonzalo talks about his life growing up as a Hmong refugee and his life growing up in America. Even though some stories may share similar thoughts, there will always be differences in the stories and in the writing of the stories. The two stories, Sticks and Salt and Growing up Hmong in Laos and America, share similarities when it pertains to the topic of being a refugee and of family while sharing differences when it pertains to the topic of marriage. The two stories, Sticks and Salt and Growing up Hmong in Laos and America, share countless similarities. One similarity the two stories share is through the topic of being a refugee. According to Yen Le Espiritu, a refugee is a person who harbors “a well-founded fear of being persecuted for reasons of race, religion, nationality, membership of a particular social group or political opinion” (Espiritu 208). Since the authors of both stories are refugees, they share similar experiences regarding their lives as refugees. While that is true, one similarity the two

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