
Stigma And The Practice Of Isolation And Quarantine Essay

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Stigma and the Practice of Isolation and Quarantine When quarantined for a disease that one might not have, several events occur: stigma [the way the quarantined person feels and how others feel, act, and react towards the post-quarantined individual] and psychosocial effects, such as mental health issues, for example, stress, fear, loneliness, boredom, anger, and being worried about infecting others (Johal, 2009). Those that worked in Canada during a SARS episode found that there was tension and friction between staff members as they worried about how others would react to them once they were released. Other consequences from being quarantined, include anxiety, lack of understanding and discrimination from others, and financial difficulties from loss of wages (Styra, Hawryluck, & Gold, 2005). When 129 responders from the Canadian SARS event were interviewed, there were large numbers of diagnosed depression, post-traumatic stress syndrome (PTSD), feeling like social pariah, nightmares, with some receiving threats from their nearby community members (Dahl, 2014). The CDC recognizes the after affects, such as stigma, and has developed a package named, CARE (Check and Report Ebola) which has items for self-monitoring for Ebola and a cell phone with minutes already loaded to make phone calls to family and friends (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 2015-b). The CDC also partners with other non-profits that can assist financially and emotionally for those who have been

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