

Decent Essays

By William Lychack

Do you ever feel like you are going nowhere? Like your life is stuck in stagnation. Getting out of bed in the morning, going to work and returning home to bed just to rise and repeat the exact same routine the next day and the day after that. The routine becomes so familiar that it feels like the days goes by in a blur. It does not feel like you even exist in your body anymore. That feeling is the theme of the short story, “Stolpestad”, by William Lychack. The short story is named after the main character, Stolpestad, who is a police officer. He is called out to an injured dog and has to put the dog down for a boy and his mother. Late at night, the father to the boy shows up at Stolpestad´s house and tells …show more content…

Stolpestad lives life in a cloud, not really connecting with the world. “It´s not a dream – though it often feels like one – the streets rivering you home through the night and the dark, the déjà vu…” By living every day like the day before it all seems like déjà vu and because his is so familiar with the routines it feels like a dream. Not like a good dream, but like he never really wakes up. Many people know the feeling of stagnation and people can relate to Stolpestad. Stolpestad is the person we all fear to become. The story is a warning to the reader. To do what Stolpestad never could: Kill the dog, let the sun shine throw the clouds or let them change into rain. Do something different from your normal routine instead of watching life go by without really living.

[ 1 ]. P. 2. l. 4-5
[ 2 ]. P. 4. l. 89-90
[ 3 ]. P. 4. l.91-98
[ 4 ]. P. 2. l. 11
[ 5 ]. P. 3, l. 64-65
[ 6 ]. P. 4, l. 86-87
[ 7 ]. P.2, l. 38
[ 8 ]. P. 4. l.

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