
Stop Police Brutality Essay

Decent Essays

To stop police brutality we need to enforce basic laws that will prevent cops and civilians from getting hurt. Police brutality defined by the encyclopedia , “is the use of any force exceeding that reasonably necessary to accomplish a lawful police purpose”. Police brutality has been a problem since the early 1990’s and has been a growing epidemic.
Police brutality has been a growing issue in the United States, particularly Baltimore, Maryland. By 1997, ‘police brutality was soaring’(Alexandrov). By mid summer more already more than 77 people have been shot. The population in Baltimore was,” 640,000 people, at the end of the year more than 100,000 arrests were made” (Alexandrov). The African American community was tired of the abuse made by police and violence broke out. Over the year people who suffered head trauma, organ failure, and those who were killed by police won court judgements against the police officers who caused the injuries. People in Baltimore thought that the, ‘police were terrorists’(Alexandrov). Young African American and Latino men were being targeted by police for petty crimes. Police brutality has gone as far as some people are going to stand.
The police use of force lacks basic protections against …show more content…

African Americans are more than twice as likely to be unarmed and still get shot by police officers. All live matter but that doesn’t seem to hold weight to people of color. We, “Must have specific laws and national policy that upholds reforms that holds laws-enforcement accountable in the same way”(Praxton). Although, some may suggest that officer have a right so protect themselves and the police are doing their job. Yes, police officers do indeed have a right to protect themselves but when they signed up for the job, they signed up to protect the city they are working for. The police officers on the job need to exhaust all options before using deadly

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