
Storytelling As A Primitive Form Of Communication In The Canterbury Tales

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In the Canterbury Tales written by Geoffrey Chaucer tells the story of a group of pilgrims on their way to Canterbury, who engage in a tale-telling contest to pass the time. Besides watching the interactions between the characters, we get to read some of the tales the pilgrims tell. Storytelling plays a big part however As the pilgrims tell their stories, though, they turn out to be talking not just about fairytale people in far-off lands, but also about themselves and their society.Obviously, these stories are told for a particular purpose, to win a prize while teaching a lesson, however there are other purposes in storytelling aside from these. A lot of these purposes are very implicit and unnoticeable however, it really engages readers once these purposes have been discovered. Some of these unintended storytelling purposes include a primitive form of communication, self revelation, and engagement of our imagination. From the beginning of the canterbury tales, we are presented with the prologue which demonstrates to us that storytelling is a primitive form of communication throughout the whole tale. Stories have always been a primal form of communication. They are timeless links to ancient traditions, legends, myths, and symbols. They connect us to a larger self and universal truths.By storytelling people are enabled to communicate in their own language and express themselves to fully help others understand what they actually mean. Through the prologue the narrator,

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