
Stranger Than Fiction Essay

Decent Essays

The Comedy-Drama Stranger than Fiction directed by Marc Forster follows the life of a man named Harold Crick. Harold, a mentally unstable IRS auditor, begins to hear a voice in his head narrating his every move. He soon discovers that he is the doomed character in an author’s book. Meanwhile an author, Karen Eiffel, struggles with how she is to end her story. Harold has to go out of his comfort zone to resolve his problems, and meets new people along the way. He sets out with a Professor Jules Hilbert to meet this author and get her to change the ending of her story. Throughout the story, Harold and Karen have to make some life changing decisions become better people and enjoy their lives. I believe that the underlying theme of Stranger than Fiction is that you need to have balance in order to have a happier …show more content…

He is a habitual man and does the exact same thing everyday down to the amount of brush strokes he takes when brushing his teeth. He hates his job and does everything alone such as eating, sleeping, and watching television. Over the course of the film he meets Ana Pascal who changes his life entirely by balancing out his work life with his personal life. He begins to take interest in learning guitar, finds happiness in the small things, and hanging out with friends. At the end of the story Harold balances his work life with his personal life by making sure he has equal amounts of both. Karen Eiffel also has a very unbalanced life. At the beginning of the story she suffers from writer’s block and doesn’t know how to end her story. Every book she has ever written has ended with a death and she feels obligated to keep it that way. Throughout the story we learn that this has changed her into an extremely depressed person who can barely sympathise with anyone. This only changed when she decided to allow Harold to live at the end of her story. She became a more accepting and overall happier

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