
Street Crime Vs White Collar Crime

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A crime is any action that is contrary to law or legal code. Such criminal action falls in different crime categories. However, all crimes fall into two broad categories as either street crime or white-collar crime. Street crime is a criminal offense that often occurs or begins in public places. Typical examples of street crime include crime against people such as battery, homicide, robbery, assault, sexual assault and domestic violence. On the other hand, the white-collar job is non-violent crimes carried out by government officials or business persons for financial benefits. Typical examples of white-collar crime include stealing or cheating, embezzlement, money laundering, tax evasion, security violations, lying, fraud, forgery, internet scams and environmental violations. Both street and white-collar crimes have adversarial consequences to the society. However, the seriousness of these adversarial consequences varies between street crime and white-collar crime. Similarly, the public holds a different opinion about the seriousness of street crime versus white-collar crime. Most surveys on crimes show that the public perceives street crimes such as robbery, murder, and assault as more serious compared to white-collar crime and offenses committed by businesses. Nevertheless, the seriousness of any crime is weighted in the form of overall cost of the damage and cascading impacts that inflicts non-victims, the possibility or duration of the victims’ recovery from the

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