
Strengths And Weaknesses Of Polonius Essay

Decent Essays

Polonius is a prideful man who takes his position on the court as the Chief Counselor of the King more seriously than it actually is. He regards himself as witty and infallible, yet he is neither of these. He wishes to prove his wit and intelligence to his peers, but by attempting to do so, he only reveals just how much wit and intelligence he lacks. Throughout the play, Polonius “is presented as a busybody who misinterprets almost everything” (Bloom 19). Hamlet’s use of metaphors and pregnant responses cause Polonius to realize he is not nearly as witty as he thought he was, or as Hamlet is. This drives him into anger and frustration, and could possibly be the cause of his decline into dotage. In Act II scene II, the audience witnesses Polonius’s realization and how he reacts to it. …show more content…

He believes that he is never wrong; therefore he is in a constant state of confusion and ignorance. Another weakness is that he is both mentally and physically slow; “the fact that...Polonius takes 112 lines of stage dialogue time to arrive,” revealing just how physically slow he is (Hinten 67). His mental speed is revealed through conversation with Hamlet when he simply cannot keep up with him. Hamlet often replies with pregnant responses that Polonius simply does not understand by any means. Sometimes he realizes that he did not fully understand Hamlet, but sometimes he does not even realize Hamlet’s statements have any meaning, reputing him as insane. Polonius also tries too hard. He goes to great lengths to prove a point, even if it is not true. He often talks circles around himself while in effort to sound intelligent. However, Polonius’s hardworking and determined characteristics are usually strengths, he just uses them for the wrong things. He will stop at nothing to prove his claims, since, after all, he has never said anything that is

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