
Stress In Psychology

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Stress, a section of mental illness that demand for mental and behavioral change due to a non-specific response of the body system. It is true that both genetic and environmental factors do play a role in mental illness. Possible environmental factors of mental disorders are stress. Stress damages the hippocampus with associated memory of deficits: the most important area that plays a role in new learning and memory, mediate and is affected by stress. Stress is ranging from inheritance to posttraumatic disorders and or socioeconomic status. Effect of stress may be good or bad depending on the region of the brain and how long a person experiences the stress. In good times, stress is a major factor in physical body changes in response to performance …show more content…

These neurons conduct messages to other neurons of the body. Everything we do is based on how neurons communicate with each other. These neurons produce chemical signals (known as neurotransmitters) and electrical impulses that carry messages across different parts of the brain and between the brain and other parts of the body by crossing synapses and binding to receptors on the dendrites of the receiving neuron. When the process does not work well or the electrical signals do not function properly, they cause symptoms of mental health problems. The brain consists of the amygdala, the prefrontal cortex, the anterior cingulate cortex, the hippocampus and much more. In this project, we will discuss the amygdala, the prefrontal cortex, the hippocampus and the anterior Cingular cortex. The amygdala activates natural flight or fights to escape from dangerous situations, learning to fear and not to fear,; creating memories of fear and safety. The prefrontal cortex is the seat of the brain that performs functions such as decision making, judgments, retrieving long-term memories, using short-term memories, solving problems and helping control the amygdala regarding stressful events. The anterior cingulate cortex helps us feel motivated and focus, controls heart rate, and blood pressure that responds to sensing a mistake and manages proper emotional reactions. Though the hippocampus can still help us remember past events and learn skills, and carry on a conversation, its function is to create a file for new memories. Without it, we cannot create new memories.

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