
Strong African-American Role Models

Decent Essays

One of the most important motifs in Africa-American literature is the presence of strong African-American female role models. In Maya Angelou’s I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings, Maya has three strong African-American female role models. The three female role models Maya has in her life are her mother Vivian, her grandmother Momma, and Mrs. Flowers. Vivian is Maya’s mother and she is a role model for Maya. Vivian is very hard-nosed. For example, she gets very angry when people curse at her. But, the trait that stands out when discussing Vivian is her beauty. She is gorgeous and she shows Maya what can be done with a pretty face. Throughout the book Maya struggles with beauty and it starts at the beginning of the book. Maya is wearing her purple dress that she believed to be beautiful and she was reciting her lines to a poem in church. She proceeds to forget her lines and runs to bathroom and trips to the ground, further embarrassing herself. Maya has no confidence in herself when it comes to beauty. Vivian reveals to Maya that a women can be beautiful, but also be tough. Maya is …show more content…

Maya and her brother move in with their grandmother at a very early age, hence why they call her Momma. Momma has lots of grit and is very strong. She exposes Maya to the everyday life of an African-American worker in the early to mid-1900s. She also exposes Maya to the harsh segregation that African-Americans endured. Momma didn’t just reveal the harsh realities to Maya and just leave it at that, she shows Maya how to deal with it, by praying. Momma is very religious, the first thing she does when she wakes up is pray and that is the last thing she does before she goes to bed. Momma also loves going to church and she has a close relationship with the local pastor. She wants to show Maya that there are good releases to the harsh everyday life. Momma makes Maya grow up very fast and that helps Maya throughout her

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