
Strong Characters In The Color Purple By Alice Walker

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During the 1920s there was a grand part of colored females that were seen as inferior. In the Color Purple the author creates a strong character with various identifications that lead you to know that in this society women were manipulated either by their husbands or their fathers and were seen as pleasurable objects. One of the main characters that was seen all throughout this book was Celie. This character was a young lady that passed through tough situations, having no hope when she first started her first letter telling god what had been occurring. Walker portrayed a strong characterization to build out the life of this young lady and to show how she managed to live life even through the obstacles. Celie was a young girl when she was forcefully abused, used, and married. This young lady was a daughter and a sister to someone that lived a similar life to the one she lived all throughout. Celie was always put down, and used by everyone she met. She never felt the pleasure and happiness to be with any men. For, her all men were the same they always thought they were superior ,and wanted everything their way. The only thing that would keep celie from doing something she would regret were the letters she first wrote to God. In these letters celie is asking for God to show up in her life ,and just fix every broken part that had occurred. She experienced a tough living ,and it felt like everything just kept falling apart. Walker first starts Celie’s letters just by portraying

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