
Structural Functionalism Strengths Of Culture

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Description Cultures within society are composed of five different topics, these topics include language, which is a system of sounds, and when written, symbols allowing individuals to communicate to each other. Language is the most important aspect as we need communication to spread ideas and knowledge. Symbols is the second topic, symbols are anything carrying meaning within those who share a culture, like a cross in Christianity, for example. Values are standards defined by our society, we often judge based on traditional values. Belief within societies is based on statements that those within the culture hold to be true. Norms are unspoken rules and expectations that one is expected to follow. Culture varies significantly in different parts of the world. (Leduc, soc 100, Summer 2016)
Structural Functionalism (Purpose) Application …show more content…

For example, the purpose of cows being sacred in India is so the farmers won't kill them for food, because if the farmer no longer has its cow, tilling crops becomes near impossible, therefore in the long run, he and his family will starve. (Leduc, soc 100, Summer 2016)
Structural Functionalism Strengths A strength of structural functionalism is that over time a culture will be able to develop means of survival through careful planning and trials and errors, and with all of the components of culture, are able to not only share ideas with their own society, but with others as well. Another strength I found is because the systems within our cultures are so strong and systematic, you find that after a culture is thrown off balance by disaster or political mayhem, it typically will find a way to pull itself back together again.
Structural Functionalism

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