
Struggles In The Great Gatsby

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“So we beat on, boats against the current, borne back ceaselessly into the past”, Fitzgerald’s most famous quote in the book The Great Gatsby. Gatsby and Fitzgerald's life were portrayed through this quote. Both Gatsby and Fitzgerald wanted something they couldn’t have and it eventually destroyed them. It's obvious that Fitzgerald portrays his own life struggles through the characters of Nick and Gatsby. Scott Fitzgerald was born on September 24, 1896 in Minnesota. Both of Fitzgerald’s parents were upper middle class and gave Scott the best education they could. Fitzgerald was born into a Catholic family, and attended a Catholic prep school and found a passion for literacy. At age 22, Fitzgerald met the soon to become, love of his life Zelda …show more content…

At a young age Jay was enlisted into the military. Before he left for departure, he met Daisy Buchanan, and from that day on Gatsby was locked in. Jay growing up with no money, and Daisy inheriting her money, they didn’t work out. “Rich girls don't marry poor guys, Jay Gatsby” (The Great Gatsby Movie). Jay and Daisy did not talk nor see each other for five years. One day Gatsby and Daisy meet again and sparks flew. Jay has been in love with Daisy still to that day. However, even though Gatsby couldn’t move on from Daisy, Daisy found a husband who is in the same class as her, and they have a daughter. This did not stop Gatsby, as he bought a house across the bay from the Buchanans house. He has also thrown numerous parties in thought of Daisy attending. Even though Gatsby has always dreamed about being wealthy, it didn't taunt him as much till he met Daisy. Gatsby thought that if he had all of this money and materialistic things that Daisy would want him. Gatsby ended up dying because of his love for …show more content…

Not only did Fitzgerald depict himself through Gatsby, but he also characterized himself through Nick Carraway. Gatsby can relate to Fitzgerald by showing the life he had, and Nick by showing the life of what Fitzgerald wanted.For example, both Gatsby and Fitzgerald believed that if they were wealthy the women they love would be with them. The character Gatsby was in love with Daisy as Fitzgerald himself was in love with Zelda. What Fitzgerald found most appealing about Gatsby was the way he was living with all this wealth and how easy Gatsby’s life seemed to be. A few things Gatsby and Fitzgerald have in common are, Fitzgerald himself lived Gatsby's life and even traveled to the French Riviera, went to parties, and was apart of the elite society. All three also were enlisted to the military. Scott Fitzgerald also depicted himself as Nick. As Nick, Fitzgerald also came from a middle but not rich background, and he too left his home and traveled to a big city looking for opportunity. He left his traditional family to go to an I.V School, as Scott did too. Not to mention Scott and Gatsby both ended with a terrible deaths. Scott died from a heart attack and Gatsby died from being shot by George Wilson. This shows that money is not the most important thing in life like people think it is. The events like going to war, loving a

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