
Stuart Devlin Australian Coins

Decent Essays

Stuart Devlin
Ever wondered how our Australian coins came to look how they look now? Have you ever wondered who designed our coins? If you have, meet Stuart Devlin the silversmith who designed our currency.
Stuart Devlin, born October 9, 1931, still alive, aged eighty-four years, grew up in Geelong. As a flawless pupil his teachers encouraged him to aim high. He decided to get a career in metalwork, earning a scholarship at the age of thirteen. The places he learnt at are the Gordon Institute of Technology, the Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology (RMIT), and also the Royal College of Art (RCA). He became an art instructor and obtained a post with the Melbourne College, where he completed a three-year diploma of Art in only one year part-time, …show more content…

Conduit Street is a street in the core of the West End of London off Bond Street. He has sixty experienced staff and he himself works. He arrives at 7:30am, takes a break for dinner and then works till midnight. In the 1970s Queen Elizabeth employed Devlin to style and make a box for the marriage of the crown prince of Jordan. Then in 1982 he was granted the Royal Warrant of Appointment as Goldsmith and Jeweller to Her majesty the Queen.
His distinctive style is showcased in works that mix rough and polished textures to dramatic impact. The iconic spherical ‘violet bowl’ featured a patterned and punctured gold top inspired by the 1969 moon landing. In 1973, he began his chain of Easter Eggs. His 1st egg was encrusted with carved amethyst violets and diamonds. It opened to show a small vase of flowers made up of semi-precious stones. Devlin continues to exert a powerful influence. Recently, a three-part parcel gilt silver candelabrum centrepiece specially created for the Duke of Westminster in 1976 sold for an $82,000. And now, as Postgraduate Program Director of the new Goldsmiths’ Centre, he can pass on his skills. The influence of this Australian can still be felt not only in auction homes, however also in the generations of fine crafts people to

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