
Student Enhancement

Decent Essays

A male student transferred to Sixth Ward because he was being bullied at his other school. Mrs. Andrea happened to be absent, so I was helping in the Social Studies classroom. Since I’m placed in the Enhancement class the teacher asked me if we had the student who transferred, but we did not. The teacher seemed very concerned with this student’s progress. She explained he was failing, and he has a difficult time staying on track. She asked me to speak with Mrs. Andrea Monday morning about getting him placed in our Enhancement class as soon as possible.

One alternative for addressing this situation is to check the student’s testing scores to see if a schedule change is necessary. Another alternative is to place the student in a RITE class …show more content…

Andrea and myself can assist him one on one with material that he is struggling with. Another pro is the student’s possibility of passing his classes and advancing to Thibodaux High is highly likely. However, one con for changing the student’s schedule is he can’t be enrolled in band. Students that are enrolled in the Enhancement class cannot take band because they are only allowed to take two electives. Another con for changing the student’s schedule is the student will have to readjust to new teachers and develop a new routine. Moreover, one pro for placing the student in a RITE class is the student will get small group with the teacher from his need area. Another pro is the student will receive extra time to finish assignments, test, or review material covered that day in class. However, one con for placing the student in a RITE class is it’s only focused on one subject, so this wouldn’t benefit him if he needs assistance in multiple core subjects. Also, another con is the student is only receiving twenty minutes each day during RITE as opposed to a fifty-two minute Enhancement …show more content…

There are many students that need to be in this class, but their parents are choosing for them to stay in band. In my opinion, that is truly disappointing because they are only hurting their child’s education. Often times Mrs. Andrea will check the computer to see a student’s scores and typically a child who is failing isn’t in Enhancement because they’re in band. I also learned that Sixth Ward educators and staff go above and beyond to make sure students receive the best education. These teachers truly have each student’s best interest at heart and they all communicate together to make sure each student’s success rate is exceptional. Since this student was a transfer the school didn’t have any testing scores currently on file. Thankfully, this particular teacher noticed early on that the student was struggling and brought it to our attention, so that we could accommodate the student’s

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