
Student Growth Assignment Analysis

Decent Essays

I chose Macon as the on grade level student for the Assessment of Student Growth Assignment. Macon is a very sweet student who is friendly, and enjoys learning. This student never has any behavioral issues. She always gets her work done on time, and takes pride in her work. Macon usually will miss just a few questions on tests, or class work. The students were being assessed on their ability to distinguish three-dimensional shapes, and if the shape could roll, stack, or slide. The lesson prior to this three-dimensional lesson was on two-dimensional shapes, so the students had just a little information about shapes. I did not give any instruction on three-dimensional shapes before I gave the pre-test because I wanted to see what the students already knew. Since these students are in kindergarten I read the directions for each question. The following instructions were given: Circle the matching shape, circle the shapes that you can stack other shapes on, put an x on the shape(s) that you can roll. On the pre-test Macon received a score of 98%. Macon new all of her shapes, and was able to match them easily. She new the difference between the three-dimensional shapes, but had difficulties identifying which shapes could roll, stack, or slide. …show more content…

The students were allowed to talk to one another to figure this out before starting on their worksheet. After Macon turned in her worksheet I noticed that she did improve on her shapes that could roll and slide, but still had some misunderstanding about the shapes that could stack. After this assignment was complete and graded we discussed as a group any misunderstandings. The one misunderstanding that Macon had was, she thought you could stack a cone on top of another shape like a cube. She did not listen and understand the directions that said which shape could have another stacked on

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