“Students in “year-round” schools don't learn more than their peers in traditional nine-month schools”- Paul Von Hippel
Because we agree with the statement by Paul von Hippel, a sociologist at Ohio State university my partner and I reject the resolution: ¨Does year round schooling benefit students, their families & the community?¨
We offer the following two reasons to support our side. One, it has multiple effects on families with their children and it has an effect on maintenance/preparation within school on custodians.
Our first reason is: It has affects on families & students. There isn’t actual concrete proof that students actually benefit, Paul did his own study and said that an estimate of about 62% of all studies saying that “year round schooling benefits children” has been disproven. He constructed the study on hundreds of different students who attended year round school and also students who attended the normal year. a study done on an elementary school in Virginia showed that only 30-40% of the
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Teachers and custodians were asked on their opinion about year round schooling and around 55% said that they would feel a sense of being worn out due to constant working without any long breaks. Teachers who don’t make enough money through teaching and wouldn’t be able to get a 2nd summer job. Iowa, is ranked 25th in the nation for teacher pay and on average teachers get paid less than 50k. To some teachers that isn’t enough to make payments and take care of a family. There are also logistical reasons to why year-round schooling wouldn’t be beneficial and one of the reasons are that not many schools provide air conditioning through the entire school. For example, here at MHS. The amount of money it would take to provide AC over a long period of time would be millions! It would more than likely take years to make up the money for that and also the AC’s would need to be replaced if one
To begin with, year round schools cost to much. In the essay the author states that a high school in Arizona had a cost increase of 157,000 when they switched to year-round schooling! Now that is a lot of money going out the window. If you would just stick with how it's always been we would not have this problem. This way is so much better and cheaper for the students and the school.
Mathew Lynch in Huff Post Education says “The Summer months are typically the highest ones for energy consumption. In fact, the average electricity bill for homeowners in the summer months goes up 4 to 8 percent, the same concept would be true of schools. Having empty classrooms in the summer months means less money going out to air conditioning and prevents other warm-weather costs from hitting school utility budgets.” Personally I couldn’t agree with that more. If the school board switches to the Year-Round schooling we will be wasting more money that this school doesn’t
Believe it or not keeping a school open costs quite a bit of money. If schools are open longer the maintenance costs go up about 10% more. Many people believe that having school year-round education may be cheaper but it certainly does not guarantee savings. These costs may add up and in turn interfere with budgets for other programs that are already struggling with funding such as sports, music, arts and other programs funded by the state. Also lets not forget air conditioning is not free. With today's current economy most students have to pay for their collage and in result get summer jobs or part-time jobs to raise money. Year-round schooling could make it difficult for students to keep jobs and save their money. Low income families can get hurt in this situation. Lastly, teachers must be paid for all the weeks they are working, with all these factors the cost of keeping schools open skyrockets. In Tempe, AZ, a high school experienced an increase of $157,000 per
Year-round schools affect multiple people because in the text it said, that teachers have more time to plan lessons to make them better, and so the students get more out of the lessons. This explains to you that teachers have more time to plan the lessons. And also it gives the students a break when they really need it, for example here is a quote that I got from the text, “One student said, "I love it. Just about the time I'm really tired, I get a break." This shows you a quote from the text about how relieving those breaks are. Another piece of evidence that the text said was that, teachers in schools with a long summer break (of 10 weeks) are so busy teaching the classes, that they have less time to plan lessons for their classes. This shows
“The U.S. research challenges one of the main arguments for abandoning conventional schedules: year- round schooling improves achievement because it prevents students from falling behind during the summer and because it does not waste precious time reviewing past years’ lessons”
Year-round schools have gained popularity among the United States, being a very communicated topic within middle class communities. These schools are generally argued about by whether they are beneficial or not. While there are many advantages to year-round schools, there are some disadvantages as well. A few of these disadvantages include the expenses of the schools, the schedules the schools provide, the involvement within the schools, and the actual effectiveness of these schools.
Some advantages of year-round schooling include improved achievement, improved attendance by both teachers and students, reduced discipline problems, lower teacher stress, increased motivation due to frequent breaks, and increased opportunities for enrichment (Palmer and Bemis). During the two week breaks in between school sessions, students have the opportunity to take classes on karate, ballet, photography, cooking, and swimming. This intersession provides time for hands-on, big project classes that get kids involved in topics that interest them. Intersession can also be used as an intervention for students who are falling behind. “Karl Alexander, sociology professor at Johns Hopkins University, studied 800 students for more than 20 years in Baltimore’s elementary schools. He found that by ninth grade, low-income students had fallen 3 ½ grade levels behind their middle-class peers. And most of that gap was attributable to learning lost over the long traditional summer” (Schulte, 2009). The biggest driving force and proponent of year-round schooling is the effect of the “summer slide.” Students lose two months of achievement in math skills and students from low-income families lose more than two months in reading achievement according to the national Summer Learning
Have you ever thought about how year-round schooling can be beneficial to students? In today’s society, many school districts have been switching from a standard school year to year-round schooling. Year-round schools follow the basic 180 day school year, but the days are more spread out throughout the year following the 45-15 method. Forty five days of school, followed by fifteen day breaks. Year-round schooling is beneficial to many because it prevents students from gaining unwanted weight and causes less stress for teachers and students.
I think it's funny that the subject of year-round school is still a topic of debate. The reason is I just want to have good teachers and get a good education. I really don't care when and how the schedule is set up because I know my mom and dad will support me and get me to where and when I need to be. But, if I had a choice I would choose to have a schedule similar to what Nick Castellino writes about in his letter. I feel that of the two letters Nick wrote the one I agreed with more. Nick's letter, seemed to me, to be mainly about doing away with year-round school.
Year-round school could be very disruptive to the learning environment. Richard L. Worsnop remarks that notable memory loss occurs within
There are many reasons why there should and shouldn’t be year round schooling. Like the benefits for elementary students. Also about the minority students and ESL. And middle and high school students need time to just be kids.
This are the good effect that come from year round school. The first one is that they no summer gap. So kids don't forget every
Year round school eliminates regression of learning due to extended time off. Having a year round school can reduce what people known as summer learning loss ("The Pros"). Almost every child will experience a decrease in their math over the time of summer break each summer break ("SUMMER LEARNING"). “On an average students lose two months of reading skills over summer” ("SUMMER LEARNING"). After
The education system in the United States is an ever-evolving institution. As a country we have progressed from one-room schoolhouses, to segregated classrooms, to online learning environments. Congress is constantly passing legislation to better our public school systems and minimize costs to taxpayers. Individual states have also implemented various new systems to try and maximize their education potential. One such alternative is year round schooling. Year round schooling has become increasingly popular over the past few decades and is still a rapidly growing trend.
Concerning year round school, some people see no problem with what has been a part of Americana. It is a time for vacations, playing, and an all-around good time, but that is not the case for everyone. Transitioning to a more balanced year-round schedule still provides a decent break for children and faculty, as well as provide programs that enrich young minds, provide a safe place for kids who otherwise would have nowhere else to go, and it can help give those same kids a meal they would not have had available to