
Colonialism In Sudan

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Sudan Post-Colonialism and its Struggles Between 1820 and 1956, Sudan was colonized by name empires; however, the one that left a legacy still visible today was that of the Anglo-Egyptian Condominium. Like most other European colonies, the British took license drawing borders around territories with little regard for the ethnicities living in the region. The new borders created by the British in Southern Sudan supported and isolated the many different tribes located there. As a result, these groups began warring with each other, and the British were reluctant to intervene. The wretched state of Sudan today can be attributed to the legacy of the British rule and the ethnic rivalries they left in their wake. The reality of the …show more content…

Great Britain wanted to “keep their hands clean” by not participating in South Sudan’s internal strife, but kept them under their control in hope that it will benefit them in the future. They even tried to slow down the economic process and social development of South Sudan, resulting in their low HDI figures today. WRITE MORE ABOUT THE NORTH!!! Tensions between the North and the South because of policies used by the British all culminated in a civil war between the two halves of the country. DO MORE RESEARCH ON THE CIVIL WAR!!! After Sudan had finally gained its independence, the country implemented many types of governments and put many leaders into power, with each failing because of the populous’ discontent over the state of its leadership. This, in turn, led to various uprisings in the public, which put the government in an even greater state of chaos and confusion. The October Revolution of 1964 arose when a 20-year-old student activist named Ahmad al-Qurashi was murdered unjustly by the police after a symposium at the University of Khartoum. Twenty-five years after this revolution, another rebellion against the new government began. On July 1, 1989, the military staged a coup against the civilian government and Prime Minister Saldiq al-Mahid because of their inability to end a six-year civil war and restore economic stability. The ineffectiveness of the civilian government led to the deaths of approximately 250,000 people due to famine. NEEDS CONCLUSION

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