
Suicide In The Military

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Statistics on suicide related behavior in the military are troubling. Following a stable suicide rate since 1977, military suicides increased in 2004 (Lineberry & O’Connor, 2012) and exceeded civilian rates in 2008 (Army STARRS). Current suicide rates per 100,000 among active duty (18.7), Reserves (23.4) and National Guard (28.9) remain significantly higher than that of the US civilian population (13.0) although more comparable to the US male civilian population (20.6). While accurate comparisons necessitate statistical adjustment to allow for the military’s disproportionately male population (Braswell & Kushner, 2010) the military increase is in sharp contrast to the stable civilian rate (Kessler, 2013). Active duty suicides (28.1%) further surpassed combat deaths (18.6%) in 2012 (MSMR, 2014). However, the decline of the OIF/OEF combat (Belasco, 2009) may provide a partial explanation. …show more content…

The Army has been the only branch to collect ideation data via the DoDser, and reports ideation rates 2.6-4.03 times the death rates (DoDser 2010-2014). Although there are no comprehensive army lifetime suicide attempt or ideation rates, the army lifetime suicide attempt percentage for the non-deployed is 2.4 % and lifetime ideation rates is 13.9% (Nock et al, 2014, JAMA). Thenationally funded Army Study To Assess Risk and Resilience in Service members (Army

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