
Suicide Persuasive Essay

Decent Essays

Lets just say there was a girl in a school. Of course there are bullies in every school, but this girl is getting bullied. Some girls make fun of her, and stop her from going to class. They say all these horrible things to her. Finally the girls said the last thing to her. All of the girls left, and started to cry. Over the week she couldn’t take it anymore so she killed herself, and didn’t come back to school. As a kid I want my family to stay safe and not get into any situations like these. Once someone gets bullied for a long time, people are getting hurt by these things. Also millions of people are killing themselves for different reasons. Taking the time to take out information of this topic, I wanted to get bold information about …show more content…

Suicide is probably the most dangerous thing today, and people are just taking away other people’s lives or maybe just themselves. A lot of our people are saying things to stop people from committing suicide. People are also concerned on why people are doing these things? Why people are being rude and making them commit suicide? But also of having them taking others people lives away. For instance (Example),”Though the consequences can be fatal, suicide is not a black or white issue. Suicidal people are often ambivalent. They are experiencing an inner debate between a part of them that wants to live (Their real self) and a part that wants to die (their anti-self).” (Lisa Firestone ph.D.) Some people think that suicide isn’t that important, and a real movie that actual girl that got bullied. After her getting bullied so much she tried to overdose herself. But that girl that bullied her didn’t know what she had done to her. That girl ignored what she had just created. Government and our society should be paying attention what is happening to reality. But they are, government are helping people in our lives that are trying to hurt themselves. They should see what they have, and see in their future what could happen. That they could think what they are doing, is it right, or is it wrong? They should know what is best and should think about what they are doing. There are

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