
Sula Gender Roles Essay

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Gender Roles in Sula: Comparing Expectations of Women and Men Sula focuses on two families through their generations, however, there is a missing gap that becomes continuously prominent; the father figures are all absent. Because the fathers are emotionally or physically detached, the women are forced to take on the dominant role. There is a distinction between the men that are simply missing from the character’s lives and the men that intentionally leave the family, such as Rukus who passed away in comparison to BoyBoy who determinedly left the home. The men’s tendency to walk away demonstrates that they do not feel as strong of an attachment to their families in the way that the women, specifically the wives, do. Because of the distinction of emotional ties with family life between men and women, Toni Morrison argues that due to gender roles women are expected to conserve the ideal family. Firstly, the men that are simply absent from the family still continue to have an effect on the people they left behind. This includes Rukus and Wiley Wright, which are Sula and Nel’s …show more content…

Sula never marries, does not start her own family, and according the community has loose morals when it comes to sexual encounters. Unfortunately, upon returning to Bottom after leaving for ten years, she is not warmly welcomed. Although it is expected as she mimics the role of Rochelle in the community, Bottom carries a stronger distaste for Sula. Because of her defiance, she is looked down upon by the community for living her life immorally. Because she is an immoral individual it is not difficult to see why the community has shunned her, yet the community has not shunned Ajax or any of the other men who treat women in a similar fashion. In comparison Ajax is fought over by women and is still seen as a prize worthy

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