
Summary: Balanced Experiential Inquiry

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“Past research suggests that organizations must rely on their cultural environment to promote employee ethicality” (Sekerka, 2014). Corporate policies communicate organizational values and offer standardized guidance to employees for exhibiting acceptable behaviors and attitudes. In order for an ethics training program to be successful the following must be present, “help people understand ethical judgment philosophies and decision-making heuristics; address areas of ethical concern within their industry/profession; teach the organization’s ethical expectations and rules; help people to understand their own ethical tendencies; take a realistic view, while also elaborating on difficulties in ethical decision making; and have people use the material in the workplace, then …show more content…

“Balanced experiential inquiry (BEI) is an alternative approach to ethics training that overcomes the aforementioned limitations regarding process and content” (Sekerka, 2014). Per Sekerka, participants in BEI engage in a workshop where the employees use their own experiences as the platform for learning and discovery (Sekerka, 2014). The BEI workshop would help open the eyes of the sales team on the consequences their actions caused or might cause. After the internal reflection period, participants are placed in pairs and share their ethical challenges and reflections. Participants then engage in a group discussion where volunteers share their ethical challenges and reflections. “Besides participants’ consideration of both the favorable and unfavorable aspects of how people address their ethical challenges, BEI seeks balance in other respects where participants ponder factors that promote and elements that curtail ethical action at both the individual and organizational levels” (Sekerka, 2014). The purpose of an ethical code is to inspire, regulate and guide decision making in support of the corporate

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