
Summary : ' Breaking New ! '

Good Essays

Cain’s POV


“This morning, severed limbs and mangled bodies were found in various parts of Los Santos, all with bite mark, sadly no DNA evidence to track from. After two years, it is confirmed that it is a group of criminals working together with the footprints on the areas . The LSPD have finally given these criminals a name. “The Cannibals”. Seems fitting after -- and,, next-”

“Hmm, the Cannibals, huh?”, i said silently, drowning out the tvs noise with my thoughts.
Luigi, Damien, and I arrived three hours early for school, the two went off to get our books and supplies while I wandered around the two story building. Listening in on the tv from the teachers lounge, of our adventures last night, not including the Circle …show more content…

(Im really don’t feel like describing thier looks, you can google them, im just going to put their personalities )

The two that were arguing were Basically (Marcel) and Nogla. Basically was the loud mouth of the group, he is also naturally aggressive and hostile toward teachers or anyone who stand in his way. Nogla was the second loudmouth of the group, a tall, deep voiced irishmen that never seems to know when to shut up.

The four laughing their heads off were; Wildcat (Tyler) easily angered he handles the weapons group, Moo(Brock) the shy but smart he is the voice of reason amongst them, MiniLadd (Craig) the one with the weird accent and the strategist, and Delirious the one with the jason mask, he the wild card of the group, a psycho.

The last three were on their phones; listening to music or texting. The shortest one was Lui Calibre, the one with the squeaker voice and the best sharp shooter, Terroriser, the man we meet last night, don 't really care for him. Lastly was the leader, Vanoss (Evan), fearless and merciless against those who stand in their way.

“Come on, let 's head upstairs and met up with the two idiots.”, Luigi said, nudging my arm and pulling me to towards the stairs. We almost made it until a voice called him out.

“HEY! REB!!”

Reb froze instantly, I could see a cold sweat from the

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