
Summary: Creepypasta Hunters Descend Into Armageddon

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Creepypasta Hunters Descend into Armageddon Scene 14:Location New York Shanghai Zealot a mysterious warrior who has been hunting the mystery hunter had finally found him and the remainder of the hunters injured to the point they can barely move and watched as he arrived speaking to his fellow hunters. Shanghai Zealot:You all have been fools to trust the mystery hunter from the very start(Whispers to Mystery Hunter) or should I say Chance. Mystery Hunter: How do you know who I am? Faze:What a-are you doing heeerrreee you bastard? Shanghai Zealot:I am just doing what the prophecy says.(looks at chance) All hail the mighty warrior. My fellow hunters let us remember him as our protector and not the one who gave us...This.... Hunter::What

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