
Summary Of 1491: New Revelations Of The Americas Before Columbus

Decent Essays

We live in a world where we are surrounded by different people who come from very different backgrounds. We live in the United States, where it is filled with a very diverse community. We bump into people who are from a different race, religion, and culture. We should not be ashamed of this, but rather we should embrace who we are. Unfortunately, here in the United States, not everyone thinks that way. As children we tend to believe everything people tells us, especially when it comes from a teacher, which they are suppose to teach us and make us aware. As children, we were taught that the white men always save the day and they were our heroes. This is called Eurocentric, focusing on just Europeans and their culture and their history. But what happens to the rest of the history, the history of the people before the Europeans arrived to America? …show more content…

If the history of ancient civilizations are ever told, they are told in a few paragraphs or a page or two of a history textbook. They are considered natives that lived in harmony with nature and that not many even existed so they must not be of importance. But now, we have books that challenge the way people normally would think of these civilizations. One book is called 1491: New Revelations of the Americas Before Columbus by Charles C. Mann. He challenges these ideas, but not just saying them, but by actually showing the reader evidence he, himself, has found. In order to challenge these ideas, we can analyze the origins, demography, and ecology of ancient times to realize there was life before

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