
Summary Of A Defense Of Abortion

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A Critique of “A Defense of Abortion”
What is the life of a fetus worth in your eyes? It may seem like a simple answer at first thought, but what if said fetus had a name? Or what if that fetus was your child to be? Famed moral philosopher Judith Jarvis Thomson attempted to address these sorts of questions in her landmark essay, “A Defense of Abortion.” However, I believe that Thomson’s argument is misguided. Thomson uses questionable premises to assert questionable conclusions and thus, I believe that her argument is misguided. My argument follows as such:
Thomson uses questionable premises to assert her claims.
Questionable premises will often lead to faulty conclusions.
Thomson’s conclusions are faulty. This argument may be basic and simple, yet is extremely relevant in this case.
To preface this discussion, I am going to make a crucial assumption in the same manner of Thomson but in the complete opposite fashion: abortion is the act of killing a human. Even if one believes that a fetus is not a human at any stage of development in the womb, the fact that abortion is the termination of a potential human life is undeniable. In other words, even if it is not scientifically considered alive, it will be in the future and abortion would deprive it of an impending life on Earth. Furthermore, “kill” is a transitive verb defined as “to deprive of life or cause the death of,” (Merriam-Webster). This is abortion in a nutshell and even when viewed with a partisan lens, the

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