
Summary Of A Long Way Gone And The Bite Of The Mango

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A Long Way Gone and The Bite of the Mango are two stories written about the same war - and its effects - from the two different perspectives of a young boy, Ishmael and a young girl, Mariatu. Although both novels have their differences, when compared, they come together to create a wider understanding of how the civil war in Sierra Leone affected all kinds of people in ways both comparable and dissimilar. In both The Bite of the Mango and A Long Way Gone, main characters Mariatu and Ishmael are forced to mature at an extreme pace by going through several, very different experiences caused by the same war. In the majority of The Bite of the Mango, Mariatu is at the young age of fourteen, but before then, she is just twelve years old, living in Sierra Leone with her family. When talk about the war begins to spread throughout her town, the citizens begin a practice put in place in case of a raid by the rebels. “The first time it happened, we abandoned our homes and took nothing with us, hiding in the bush for several days as we listened to our stomachs moan in hunger” (Kamara and McClelland 19). During these drills, they would hear word spread about rebels nearby, then pack some things in a bag, leave their homes and hide in bushes for days on end, sometimes starving themselves for fear of coming out and being raided by the rebels. However, her childhood is ripped away from her abruptly when she is raped by a close family friend. This is when she faces her first traumatic

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