
Summary Of 'A Separate Peace'

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1. Envy – As the chapters progress, Gene shows his thoughts of resentment towards his good friend, Phineas, by describing his “unexpected excitement” (page 27) on the topic of Phineas receiving a scolding from Mr. Patch-Wither. When Finny further explains why he wore the school tie as a belt, his illogical explanation causes Mr. and Mrs. Patch-Wither to become delighted and charmed. Upon seeing this, Gene then becomes disappointed that Phineas did not get scolded on his form of attire. Realizing that his feelings were not the type of feeling a best friend should have, Gene made an excuse shows how envious he is of Phineas, because he is able to reason his way out of discipline.
2. Jealousy – Gene’s jealousy towards his so-called best …show more content…

Betrayal – In the end of chapter two, Gene and Finny were on the tree. When Gene turned around to say something to Phineas, he lost balance, almost fell and died if it wasn’t for Finny. Skipping to the end of chapter five, Phineas and Gene are both on the tree again. Finny, wanting to jump out side by side into the lake like they did previous chapters, ventured out to the wooden rungs and held onto a thin branch. Gene did the same thing, however, after he took a step towards Phineas, he bent his knees and jounced the branch – on purpose – making Finny fall into the body of water unprepared. Gene not attempting to catch Phineas before he falls is a major sign of betrayal, considering the act that Finny had done for …show more content…

Peace – On page 203 of the book, Gene states that the day Phineas, his good friend, had died was the day his furry and anger dissipated. Gene further explains that since Finny was now diseased, he can finally enlist without the thought and urge to “kill” the “enemy” because to Gene, his enemy was not the people on the other side of the war; it was Phineas.

1. Summer – Summer symbolized the fun times all of the boys had in the Devon School. Summer was before the gossip of the close proximity of the war, before the talk of enlistment, before Leper lost his sanity, and most of all, it was before Gene made Phineas fall from the tree.
2. Winter – Winter in Devon symbolized the consequences of the fun times during the summer. The weather was colder, the trees were bare of leaves, and Gene has a newer, darker secret. Phineas gets injured severely – twice. Leper enlists and everyone else was making Leper sound brave and heroic for enlisting so abruptly, but they find out a couple of weeks after he enlists that he had “escaped” because he had gone “psycho”.
3. Broken Leg – Like the winter, Phineas’ broken leg represents the start into darker times and it is also the start of the major changes in the main characters: Gene and Phineas even the minor characters: Brinker and Leper.

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