
Summary Of An Occurrence At Owl Creek Bridge

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In this story "An Occurrence at Owl Creek Bridge" by Ambrose Bierce the rising action,climax, and falling action are a huge part of the plot structure and it goes to show you not everything is what you think it is it's all about perspective and how aware you are of the facts and clues that the author is giving you in the text of the story. The rising action in this story is very well written by Ambrose. When Peyton Farquhar falls off the the board and into the river and he starts to sink into the river with his hands tied. This is where the readers start to get a little antsy and wonder what is going to happen next and if there is going to be any exciting action that happens to Peyton or if he just drowns in the river because he can not get his hand untied from the rope .Everyone is focusing on how the rope broke and how he is in the river and how it happened and how someone could have that much luck right before their execution. As soon as soon as he lands in the water he is trying to swim away but his hands are bound with rope but then he finds away to get his hands free and he starts to swim up to the surface to get air and starts to swim away from the bridge and the soldiers as they are shooting at him. We are all anticipating that he is going to get shot and die however he reaches the bank up stream and is just taking it all in that he is alive and wondering how this happened to him The climax of the story is very intriguing and very shocking. Peyton had just

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