
Summary Of Apology Of A Madman By Peter Chaadaev

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In the article Apology of a Madman by Peter Chaadaev, who was the westernizers that believed that Russia's development depended upon the adoption of Western European technology and liberal government. The main idea was Russia skip a stage in development, it was still in its youth, it has room to grow and change and mature (lecture, 10/7). First he said Russia had no past, present or future and had contributed nothing to world culture (Chaadaev, 303-308). Later, Chaadaev was critical of Peter the Great's efforts to Westernize Russia, arguing that it had actually linked Russia with the West and the mainstream of history (Chaadaev, 308-314). So Russia ought to be moving toward the West.
In the article A Slavophile Statement by Ivan Aksakov, who

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