
Legalization of Drugs Essay

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Legalization of Drugs
Legalization of drugs has been a very controversial issue in the United States for many years. Drugs being legalized can have both advantages and disadvantages on society. On one hand, certain drugs, such as aspirin has long been used as a common medicine to many people, to cure diseases and help people with their personal problems such as headaches, toothaches, to name a few. Some people even take the drug daily as a therapy to lower the risk of heart attacks and strokes. On the other hand, legalization of all drugs could potentially lead to over use; putting the young generations at great risk due to their unawareness of the effects and damages some substances can cause. This issue becomes directly connected to the …show more content…

I agree with Shapiro that the three components of addiction including drug, setting and set impact the nature of drug addiction. “Humans are social or cultural animals, not just products of their biochemistry, and this means, in part, that social norms or rules play a significant role in influencing behavior,” the author explains (Shapiro, 532). I think that if a person is in the environment that accepts drug use, that person will be more likely to use drugs by observing what is around and accepting it as a “norm.” Likewise, in the environment where people are using drugs in moderation and with limitation, that behavior will likely carry over in the individual. Shapiro explains why it is much harder to quit smoking than to stop using other drugs. He states that smokers smoke for a variety of different reasons such as to relax, handle anxiety and stress, and also as a social lubricant. Because smoking becomes intertwined with so many activities and situations, quitting smoking turns out to be a difficult change in a person’s life. That is why the pharmacology of smoking cannot be separated from its social setting.
The same principle Shapiro applies to the addiction of cocaine or heroine. According to his view, the addictiveness of any drug depends on an aforementioned set, setting, and pharmacology. The highly

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