
Summary Of Build A Wall By Donald Trump

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With so much hope to maintain a nation that remains free, safe and prosperous, dealing with illegal immigration has become quite an issue. We have yet to find a suitable middle ground that benefits both United States citizens and illegal immigrants as a whole. After our newly elected president Donald Trump takes office, his plans for cracking down on illegal immigrants is leading us to build a thirty-foot wall between the borders of the United States and Mexico. As citizens of the United States we can only hope his plan finally secures our borders and way of life. It’s no secret that Trump has very strong views on our Immigration Policy in the US. His main catchphrase is “Build a wall”. Although this seems like such a drastic and …show more content…

In an article from USA Today its said that he has already signed two immigration-related executive orders. The first one to finally start building the wall, and the second to suppress “sanctuary cities” that shield illegal immigrants in the country. Trumps immigration plan is basically and most importantly enforcing the rules that are already there, in the Constitution. He can pass executive orders that help get things going but there are checks and balances that the American people choose to forget about. Our President can do nothing too drastic without the approval of the Senate. And the only serious issues he is worried about is our safety as a country. (Korte, Jackson, …show more content…

He is working on making sure companies don't take advantage of the H-1B visas that allow companies to hire foreigners for special jobs. Trump wants to push for “buy American, hire American”, and to stop big companies using immigrants that are willing to be paid less than Americans. Planning on making site visits to companies like Apple and Amazon really show his initiative to make our country safer and more citizen friendly. President Trump is following through on his plans and proving the media wrong. (Romm, 2017) The media has a lot to do with how the nation views our President. With social media and television at easy access we all create our own views of the circumstances going on in the world. We are a diverse country and are free to express our opinion. “I believe the Immigration policy is laid out so that people from other countries can come to the United States and live and work here as long as they are safely and legally coming into the states. During my research on the positive side of this policy, I found all different types of ways in which people can immigrate to the U.S. All of them seem fair and understanding of certain circumstances that can occur. I don't believe our immigration policy is trying to stop people from coming to the United States, all it is asking is to follow what we ask and we welcome you”. -Rosie

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