
Summary Of Ethos Pathos Logos By Maggie Jackson

Decent Essays

What are some ways you could persuade your reader to your opinion? One way is by using logos, pathos, and ethos. What are logos, pathos, and ethos? Those three terms are modes of persuasion used to convince your audience. In the essay Distracted: The Erosion of Attention and The Coming Dark Age by Maggie Jackson. Maggie used those three concepts to help her argument because she hooks the reader by convincing the audience, making the audience feel what she felt and lastly using logic or reason.
Authors typically use pathos to make their reader feel what the author wants them to feel. For example, Maggie says "It's crucial that we better understand how our new high-tech tools, from video games to PowerPoint, may be affecting us"(Jackson273). Maggie wants the readers to realize that technology can affect us whether it's through video games, phones or PowerPoint. Technology has an impact on our time and it's becoming …show more content…

In this quote, Maggie used logos which means to convince an audience by use of logic or reason. Maggie showed her readers the statistics of using too much technology. Maggie had other sources to back her opinion up, she had proof that technology is poisoning our minds. Today toddlers are learning how to work a tablet before learning how to say their alphabets or read a book. Another example Maggie used "Government and other studies show that many US high school students can't synthesize or assess information, express complex thoughts or analyze arguments"(Jackson271). Students are lacking staying focus and the skills nurtured by the brain's executive attention network. By Maggie using logos, pathos and ethos she made sure that if her reader did not at least agree with her opinion. The reader would have learned something from her

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