
Summary Of Matt Richtel's A Deadly Wandering

Decent Essays

Matt Richtel’s non-fiction novel, A Deadly Wandering is an insightful story about a young man named Reggie Shaw who lost got distracted behind the wheel for a little too long and took the lives of two well-known rocket scientists. The story highlights key aspects of everyone who was brought into the accident including friends, families, lawyers, even the people who were just driving behind Reggie that despairing day. Not only does Ritchel write about the accident but he also writes about the research showing how our attention works. Little does our population know on how in depth our attention works and how valuable or maybe even overpowering it can be. With today’s technology we are vastly discovering more on how the brain truly works and how it can affect us in a day-to-day lifestyle. …show more content…

As it shows in the story not only was the life of Reggie affected by the killing of two men but so were the lives of their families. Both of these men had a wife and children that they came home to every night and Reggie took that away from these families. Although the approach Ritchel took on this novel was different, it was very effective. He didn’t just write a story about an accident and tell you not to text and drive. He went much deeper, throughout the novel he had chapters called The Neuroscientists, and in each one of these chapters he correlates it to the specific event occuring in the novel. Within these chapters he shows the science and work that has been put into showing how our attention span works, and when we let it get the best of us accidents can and will

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