
Summary Of Plato's Allegory Of The Cave

Decent Essays

Discuss at least one idea from the three topics covered in Dr O'Shea's lectures (Lecture 1 Panel 3 Loop) and in your conclusion assess its merits or demerits in light of the topic on Dewey selected above.
Philosophy means the love of wisdom. It began in the fifth and sixth century BCE. It begins with the human sense of wonder and the ability to ask questions about life. Plato was born into a wealthy family in 428 BCE. He quickly became disillusioned by Athenian society especially after the execution of his dear friend Socrates. Plato believed that true knowledge could only be found through the intellect and by reason. He alleged that the senses could not be trusted. In the material world things grow, change and decay. For something to really …show more content…

The allegory of the cave is one of Plato’s most famous pieces of work contained in his Republic. Plato sets the scene. There is a fire a screen and puppets. From a very young age these individuals are restrained with shackles on the wall. The puppeteers hold up the objects and the prisoners inside the cave can see the objects moving for their entire lives, however they are not the real objects. One day one of the prisoners breaks free he is astounded by his surroundings he runs bac and tells the other prisoner, but they do not believe him. Through this we learned that the world of the ideas is the real world and the world we perceive through our senses is all an illusion. Plato says that he came to this conclusion by using his mind. He wants us to imagine the philosopher is the escaped prisoner and that he must teach others of their illusions so they may see what is real and truthful. What Plato is stating is that the prisoner s saw the shadows on the wall and thought that they were in fact real, the prisoners failed to see the real objects. These images were perfect shadows of the perfect objects being held by the puppeteers. The shadows changed depending on the strength of the fire and the angle at which the puppeteers held it. Plato is the escaped prisoner and he feels that he must teacher the other prisoners the realty and to help them

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