
Summary Of Shirley Jackson's The Lottery

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In “The Lottery” by Shirley Jackson, Jackson writes the story from a third person’s point of view to tell a story about this village that celebrates this annual event. The narrator tells us all these details about the event but leaves the most important detail out until the very end. When people normally hear the word “Lottery” they quickly think winning is a positive thing but for the villagers in “The Lottery” winning isn’t something they look forward to. Shirley Jackson’s “The Lottery” uses irony, foreshadowing, and symbolism to build suspense throughout the story and make the ending of the story a realization rather than a surprise to the reader.
Every year villagers gather together in the town square to begin the annual “Lottery” which everyone is required to attend. The setting is a small featureless town we’re only three hundred people lived. In other towns, it normally takes longer but in this town the lottery was finished right before lunch. School wasn’t in session so kids showed up first. The girls started conversations amongst themselves and the boys, Bobby Martin, Harry Jones, and Dickie Delacroix, began to pocket stones. Husbands and then wives show up after and gather their families while waiting for Mr. Summer to arrive with the black box. Once he arrived chatter amongst everyone died. At this point in the story everyone begins to become nervous and once the black box is placed on the stool all the villagers make sure to keep their distance

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