
Summary Of The Book ' The Flies '

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Although Xavier arrives home, Niska strives to keep him alive. Niska is not sure how to heal the wound Xavier has, because it is one she is not familiar with. Niska believes in the healing power of stories, so she tells Xavier her history as he sleeps and dreams to keep him alive (35). Niska hopes that “maybe some of the poison that courses through him might be released in this way” (89). The morphine takes Xavier’s appetite, so Niska “[feeds] him with [her] story instead” (130). Niska’s story about Sister Magdalene makes him smile, and Niska knows she is helping in some way and gives her hope. Niska talks to Xavier while he is asleep “so that the medicine in the tale can slip into him unnoticed” (259). Through Niska’s last story Xavier struggles with the pull of death, but as Niska keeps talking Xavier calms and breathes easier. Niska’s lessons help Xavier in the war, but her stories help him when he comes home. Xavier’s wounds are foreign to her, but she uses the power of words and the medicine of stories to heal him, and she is the reason that he survives. Sister Magdalene indirectly teaches Elijah the way to use his words to his advantage. Elijah is constantly talking his way out of troublesome situations, and even when they are boys in school “it got so that Elijah learned to talk his way out of anything” (59). Elijah helps Xavier out of punishment by making a story to explain Xavier’s absence. The punishment for going AWOL is death, and Elijah’s words keep Xavier

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