
Summary Of The Devil And Miss Prym

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The Devil and Miss Prym is about a man, named Carlos, who sets out to find if there is good in people, and whether they can make the right choice when tempted to make the wrong one. Carlos comes to Viscos with an ultimatum, kill one person and receive ten gold bars. He gave Chantal Prym the option to tell the entire town his plan, if she refused, he would tell the people himself, placing a target on Chantal. Miss Prym made the decision to tell the them because she believed they would turn his offer down. Thinking the money would save their dying town, they decide to murder an elderly woman, Berta. Miss Prym convinces them that murdering Berta for gold is corrupt and would backfire, which in turn does not prove Carlos right or wrong. Comparatively, “The Lottery” is about a tradition to make a yearly sacrifice, which ensures that the town’s crops will grow. The people gather in the town square and get ready for the lottery and Mr. Summers, the annual host, goes through the beginning of the tradition, like mixing the papers and making sure everyone is present. Tessie Hutcherson is announced late, forgetting it was the day of the lottery. The rules are read and the lottery starts, after everyone has picked a paper, they open them simultaneously. It is revealed that Bill Hutcherson has the black dot. Upset that Bill didn’t have enough time to pick his paper, Tessie complains, allowing for another drawing within the family. After each family member draws again, it is revealed that

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