
Summary Of The Human Cost Of An Illiterate Society By Jonathan Kozol

Decent Essays

Reading Response 2 / The Human Cost of an Illiterate Society
Jonathan Kozol’s The Human Cost of an Illiterate Society points out on the challenges citizens across the nation experience due to being illiterate. Kozol states; “over16 million adults are illiterate.” His essay is based heavily on testimonials from people who have lived or currently live as illiterates. He quotes many of their personal life experience giving the reader a well-rounded perception of how realistic and serious this condition is. “A woman in Detroit brought home a gallon of Crisco for her children’s dinner. She thought she had bought the chicken that was pictured one the label. She had enough Crisco now to last a year- but no more money to go back and buy the food for dinner” (191) this is a good example that indicates that the women who purchased the gallon of Crisco must live in poverty since a trip back to the store to buy food for dinner is not an option. …show more content…

It is perhaps because he wants the reader to self-examine him or herself. Perhaps this is done intentionally to persuade the reader to act and respond to the problem since his tone in his writing expresses a frustration with the government. “They do know what rights they have, what deadlines and requirements they face, what opinions they might choose to exercise. They are half-citizens. Their rights exist in print but not in fact.” (190) Kozol makes illiterates sound like victims of society

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