
Summary Of The Making Of Meaning By Anne E. Berthoff

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Learning the Uses of Chaos In The Making of Meaning, Anne E. Berthoff presents the text Learning the Uses of Chaos that will be analyzed in the essay to understand the argument presented. The author brings about the concept of composing in writing and pays particular attention to the process of composing. While the author is concerned about the composing process and the generating and using chaos in writing, the latter has not been discussed in details. The title of the text, which is learning the Use of Chaos, has not been clearly established. Additionally, the relationship between the chaos and the process of composing is not well articulated. The author has used the concept of rhetoric questions, which intrigues the mind of the reader …show more content…

Murray is insightful not only to instructors but also to learners. Murray argues that the challenge facing writing is the fact that teachers have treated it as a product rather than a process and the same concept passed on to students. The author holds that the main problem with this view is that students get to receive irrelevant criticisms that are not related to their learning goals. While I tend to agree with the author based on the arguments presented, it is notable that Murray has paid little attention to the idea of education in the contemporary world. In most learning institutions, the outcome of the writing is considered more than the process. As a teacher paying attention to the process of writing but not be consistent with the students, who are mostly driven by …show more content…

Arguably, there are situations where the tone in the text betrays the author’s insistent perspective concerning writing. For instance, the author argues that a student can pass through the writing process successfully if the teacher chooses to shut up and allow the student to write. In reviewing this particular text, one may argue about the choice of words, however, the tonne also elucidates the author’s viewpoint on the involvement of teachers in the writing process. One of the questions the author has prompted but not answered is how the education system as a whole can be transformed to embrace the concept of writing being a process rather than a product. While the idea is sensible and well thought, its applicability in the education system is a challenge, which the author has not highlighted despite writing being under the umbrella of

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