
Summary Of The Movie Inequality For All

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Although the United States is considered one of the best countries in the world, we still have many issues. One of the biggest ones being income inequality. In the United States, economic prosperity is not in reach for everyone. In the movie Inequality For All Robert Reich talks about how big of an issue income inequality is and the opportunities available to the average American. One stunning statistic he gives is that in the U.S 400 people have more wealth than half of the country (Inequality). This is almost hard to wrap your mind around, that means 400 people have more wealth combined than approximately 157 million people (US Census Bureau). Even having those people with that much wealth, we still have people with nothing at all. This …show more content…

This tells us that even though prices are increasing people's real wages are stagnant or declining and they are therefore poorer. This only makes it harder for people to prosper in the economy. Even if workers try and form unions to collectively raise wages, there are plenty of instances where unions were put down and/ or those workers were fired. This scares new workers and workers from other companies from forming unions because they don't want to lose their job considering any job is better than no job. This is just another barrier to becoming prosperous in the U.S economy. Another thing preventing everyone from being prosperous is the amount of money in politics and lobbying(Inequality). The big companies and people with deep pockets can simply buy political figures nowadays and prevent or create legislation that helps themselves. They can easily lobby congressmen, senators and even presidential candidates into doing what they want. So instead of the 99% getting their say and voting, the top 1% gets what benefits them the most by buying politicians. So for example, if the average American demands a law passed increasing minimum wage but those top business owners don't want it to increase, they can simply throw some money at the politicians and

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