
New People Theme Of Identity

Decent Essays

In her latest novel, Danzy Senna dives deep into the territory of love, race, identity, heritage, and privilege, revealing the harsh reality of growing up in America with two different ethnicities. Danzy Senna’s New People defines the social complexities of having and understanding a full identity of one’s own and what it means to pass as one race or another through it’s conflicted and anti-heroine of a character and discouraging setting.
Maria’s struggle with identity is foremost throughout the novel. Her appearance is misleading from her actual ethnicity, which she has trouble coming to terms with. This theme accentuates the idea that people base judgments off of looks rather than the truth. This can build the question of ‘who can pass for what?’. It gives Maria the chance to assimilate with white culture while not actually being white. It’s no question that she feels like a stranger in her own home, an alien in her own body due to the confusion of not knowing who she really is.. It’s also clear she feels the need to gain social acceptance, but she doesn’t know how the people want her to be to obtain it. Maria can’t seem to grasp the idea of living as just her and keeps yearning for the simplicity of being just one race. Her separation from …show more content…

The same mindset in the people then is still obvious in the people today. Identity is still being searched for, racial controversy still impedes the thoughts of many, and the same stereotypical mentality is still alive just as much today as it was then. Maria knew better than to see the world as just black and white, but she still can’t help to see it in that binary. She desires to look the part of her black heritage, but judges any other person of a mixed race who wants the same. Ironically enough, she develops a conventional vision of the world where everything is simple and

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