
Summary Of The Scarlet Ibis By James Hurst

Decent Essays

The short story ¨The Scarlet Ibis” by James Hurst talks about the narrator who is going to have a baby brother, but there is one problem: his brother has a disability when he is born. When the narrator hears about this, he plans to kill his brother, but then decides not kill him and let him live because the finds out that Doodle can recognize him. In the story, there is a lot of pride in the narrator, but it is the bad kind of pride. The narrator has so much shame in him over his brother’s differences, but he still loves and wants to show him how to do something in life. The author uses the narrator to show his theme that pride can be harmful. The theme first appears when the narrator is showing Doodle how to walk. The narrator does not care about Doodle; he does this for himself. He says, “I was embarrassed for having a brother of that age who couldn't walk, so I set out to teach him” (Hurst).This quote means that the narrator is mortified of having a brother who cannot walk.This is significant because the narrator shows his brother how to walk just to not feel embarrassed when peers at school find out that Doodle is his brother. The narrator tells his brother, "I'm going to teach you to walk, Doodle,” and when Doodle asks why, the narrator says, “So I won’t have to haul you around all the time” (Hurst). …show more content…

The lightning was near now. The faster I walked, the faster he walked, so I began to run”(Hurst).faster because his brother has failed him in the story it may not talk about his action that he is mad but, this might be a reason he never waited for his brother when Doodle says "Brother, Brother, don't leave me! Don't leave me!"(Hurst).The information in this topic of pride can show that the narrator had so much pride when the made Doodle go learn how to swim even tho the was tired.And,also when the narrator went faster and faster was an act of pride because there can be a possibility that he had pride of “oh he's

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