
Summary Of The Simple Commandments Of Journalistic Ethics By Mark Twain

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If John McCandish Phillips were to evaluate Samuel Clemens’s, better known as Mark Twains research and news reporting quality and techniques almost as if Phillips were to be Twain's professor. Then Phillips would bash Twain for being the biggest liar in the world. Phillips believes that journalistic writing has to be based on facts. For the short time that Twain was a news reporter all he did was make up facts, and exaggerate stories To the point where they were no longer true. Phillips is very strict on the quality of information, and where it came from. Phillips would hate Twain's work as a news reporter. In the story “The Simple Commandments of Journalistic Ethics” On page 715 lines 10 through 21 Phillips states “In journalistic usage, you shall be as accurate and balanced and fair, and as faithful to pin down facts, as you possibly can be, The right does not exist to put anything whatever between quotation marks that are not words as they were spoken, to 97 percent word accuracy. Misquotation or fabricated quotation is lying and print a terrible disservice to those abused by the license taken. It does not help when the act is careless rather than deceitful.” This piece of text evidence stated in Phillips’s writing is; even if the error in a quotation was a mistake that it is still lying and is still a crime in journalistic writing. Philips does not stop there. He continues to elaborate on his point, stating on lines 21 through 31 on page 715 “You will not lie. You will

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