
Summary Of The Thought Experiment: Positive Group Distinctiveness

Decent Essays

While doing this reading I found this read to be the most interesting as it was very interacting it requires you to think about yourself, and that is something that I usually do especially if it includes thinking deep about myself. This reading got me thinking deeper about other things in the world that I never would relate to these experiments if they were not self-inquiry experiments. For example for me one of the in the first experiment proved this very well, the experiment was called the “Thought Experiment: Positive Group Distinctiveness In your Own Life” like I said I never really think about myself that deeply like this experiment required me too, usually when I think about myself I only think of the sallow things like what’s my favourite food or what my favourite colour is or maybe a bit deeper and think to myself Y I might like that colour, but that’s as deep as I really think about myself. …show more content…

But what’s interesting here is when you think of multicultural u never think about how age or gender may effect this, we just think about people immigrating into Canada, making it multicultural. So this was something that I never thought about this until this experiment got me think deeper about myself how my identity and my presents in this society in a much larger scale then just effecting

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